Monday, March 16, 2009

il mio calendario per questa settimana (Timetable saya for this week)..

Alhamdullilah..Aerodynamic dah lepas..italian juga pn dh lepas..subjek terbaru yang akan saya hadapi exam adalah seperti ac propulsion and ac tell u guys ac manufacturing consist of 5 credits,so no wonder the length of the course sgtt pjg..e sicuramente (definitely) the notes are like *&%%$$#%.....isk..and also the same thing goes for ac propulsion..but then i just knew that maybe we are going to have ac manufacturing exam before going to madrid..waaaaaaaaaaaaa..jd kene stuggle sblum having fun...akekekkeke...;p..
okla..harap kwn2 doakn saya tuk next exam..after exam subject pula..skrg ni new subject yg kami belajar are such as BCFd(basic of computational fluid dynamics-yg sgt pening with all the banach space,norm,Galerkin approximation..isk...^%#$#$##)..takpala..usaha n Tawakal pasti berjaya kan..inshaAllah...semoga Allah permudahkan segala liku jalan hidup ku di hadapan..inshaAllah..

Below timetable saya untuk minggu ni:
p/s ; byk free kan masa saya? hehehe... except for Giovedi (thursday)..but it's fun after all...

piccola nota (nota kecik) ; just nk share something..lecturer sini sgtla baik..i mean..sepatunye kita yg say thank u to lecturer after each terbalik pula..some of the lecturer plak yg say thank u and even say sorry if any of us x faham classes die..bkn skali,but byk kali pula tu saying thoughtful and sgt down to earth some of them here..erhmm..pk2kan la..

più piccola nota (nota paling kecik yg seakan2 grande(besar)) ; saya sgtttttt tak sabarrrrrrrrrrr nk pegi madrid...;p.(ihhiihih)--counting days je ni..hahahhaha

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