Thursday, March 12, 2009

Going to Madrid..yeahhhhhhhhhh

hahahha...entry ni xde ape2 special..just want to tell u going to madrid this 31st Marzo(march)...there will Eumas alumni meeting somemore we are going to have some short course by ESA (European Space Agency) and Etsi Aeronautics (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) ek?..well..cant wait to to release the tenses and having fun and new experience!!! RITE?Hopefully everything will be run smoothly..inshaAllah..
Well,here are some pics today in the class and in the lab (Prof Frediani showed us some experiment of Strain Gauges) its 9.19pm..and im already feeling sleepy..huarghh..
buonanotte guys!!!
p/s : waahh..ngntuknyer...ora di andare a dormire ...buonanotte...ciao...


yatie chomeyl said...

enjoy madrid. gi jalan2 kat plaza mayor, kat retiro park, plaza toros, shopping kat area sol, and banyak lagi la.

nak cari kedai halal yang murah kat celah2 bangunan area sol-colon tu, ada satu restoran turki nama turquito, satu pinggan nasi + ayam panggang cuma 5euro je.

Berusaha n tawaqal!! said...

heheh...okies..nti ape2 nisa tnye kak yati lg..x sbr dh ni kak yati..pisa ni bosan sgt...huuhuh...;p