entry hari ni lmbt kn..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..sbb sgt frustrated...hilang 10Euro nisa...sbnrnye cmni..kelmarin i just bought ricarica(top up) untuk handphone nisa..jd disbbkn xde jual kad..so die mntk key in number je..jd nisa pn key in la..at first nisa silap bg num..tp pakcik tu x enter lg..so nisa bgla the right number lps tu..maybe la..pakcik tu silap enter number..tp die dh assume die dh key in the right number,..lps tu trus bg resit kt nisa..n then nisa pn x tgk resit tu cmne..trusla byr..isk.n then kuar dr kedai..i checked my hp..tgk2 xde pn credit msuk..so i went inside the shop again tnye..perche?(why?)..die pn ckpla..smbil tjk atas dgn tgn pusing2.."traffica"..oh..traffic..so lmbt skit kut..
and sooooo i went home..smpai je umah cek lg hp..tp stil xde gak..isk..then cek resit..laaaaaaaaaaaaa....sila tgk resitnye..
okiies..nisa pn pg la awl2 pg kedai die..sbb 9.30 nisa ade klas CFD..smpaila kedai pkcik ni..so i showed him the resit..n the notes..i even showed him my hp..yg credit x msuk pn..tp die xnk dgr..die ckp..ape tah..haa..saya x fhm..but one thing i know die ckp..i cant do anything..niente..CISSS..dhla x ckp sory pn..amek duit org lak tu..confirmla skit pn duit die tak teramik sbb top up pn x dpt...iskkkk...GERAMMM!!!!..and i couldnt do anything..nothing!..sbb i also couldnt explain more in italian..isk..jd nisa terima je..mybe bkn rezeki nisa..jd..bersyukur jela..dugaan je ni..
p/s : i already BLACKLIST kedai pakcik ni..i wont come anymore!!..n lps ni beli top up yg card je..i will key in myself...iskkk!!..
1 comment:
ricarica?mcm name makanan jer..hehe
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