isk..mlm td was a disaster..nisa sakit perut sangat..minum air acqua del rubinetto..isk...smpai skrg pn skt..ya Allah,semoga kurangkanla sakit ku ini....;(...
today nisa wat tomyam which is dh lama nisa craving nk mkn....alhamdulliah ade serai walaupn xde daun limau purut..but Alhamdullilah the taste was good..;))...
here are some of the pics taken by me..(sape lg)...uhuh...and i made telur dadar and fried some ikan kering...ihhihi..
p/s : thinking to invite some friends sbb termasak bykk..huhuh..tgkla camne nti....;p
1 comment:
sodap..goreng pon sodap !!
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