today is 8th April...2 more days till i become 24...i feel really old when i think bout it...and really worried,thinking bout my future...what will i be when im old..who will i get married with...where am i in the future..always keep playing in my mind...tapi nisa berserah saja pada Allah..yg penting skrg kita usaha..n try be the best in whatever u do..btulkn ape yg salah n silap selama ni..baiki diri..sentiasa igt yg kite ni x smpurna ..byk kekurangannya...i always remember this..esp when im being here..i feel really tiny compare to all people around here (memangla tiny pn in size.hehe)..tapi nisa bersyukur atas segalanya...walaupn mcm2 dugaan n ujian nisa kne lalui..semoga nisa kuat hadapi segalanya..;)
ditambah lagi dengan kejadian gempa bumi baru2 ni die central italy...around 179 died (latest news)..and 1000 lbh org cedera..n still 200 people not found yet..nisa trkjut mom called early morning..mse nisa tgh tdo.she was really worried..but alhamdulllilah..the earthquake is quite far from my places..3hrs by train...but the earthquake did happened here in pisa last it was not that strong only 5 scala i gues..if im not mistaken..alhamdullilah..only minor damage to the building..tapi nisa selalu pk..ajal tu dimana2..cpt atau dkt kte xtau..tapi nisa selalu brdoa..semoga dijauhkn dr segala musibah..ameen..
i guess...i should put stories in madrid..nti ye..i need to edit some u guys..
p/s : updated --> 250 died of the earthquake..;(
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