Monday, November 2, 2009

Who should you imitate as a Muslim?

i have taken this from this one amazing blog,muslim in finland

The Muslim Youth

The Muslim Youth

Who should you imitate as a Muslim?

As-Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

Last week when I attended Salatu Jummah in the Masjid in Itäkeskus, Helsinki and I saw loads of young Muslims outside the Masjid, because there was no room inside, but the thing that I noticed was that most of them had hip-hop clothes on and were acting all “gangsta” outside the masjid. This isn’t the first time I see this but it seems like Muslim youth are drawn to the hip-hop culture and are jumping between being a Muslim and a “Gangsta”, I guess dressing as a “gangsta” isn’t un-Islamic but the behavior and lifestyle that comes with it is very un-Islamic, cursing, racial slurs etc. Not to forget the drugs, alcohol and sex that are a part of that culture. Not to forget the music, I mean most of us should know that music is haraam by now, but I could imagine that there is a difference in if you are listening to 50 Cents newest album or Sami Yusufs, one of those albums has a guiding message, a guidance to the true way of life, then again the other is very much the opposite, singing about how someone has women and how they treat them like they are just objects for their pleasure etc.

Now why are young Muslims drawn to these African American “gangsta” musicians and their lifestyle?

I seriously do not know, this is a lifestyle that contradicts almost everything within Islam.

A Muslim is a kind person, filled with mercy and happiness, a Muslim does not curse or slander, a Muslim does not take intoxicants , a Muslim is a benefit to society not a menace to society.

The Muslim youth has to lift their head out of the gutter and realize that this Hip Hop culture is nothing but a new trick and trap of Sheytan to mislead us from the Straight Path, and as always the Sheytan is doing a very good job misleading them.

Muslims need to understand that we have a rich history and culture, filled with beauty. We are not an enslaved religious minority who has been oppressed for hundreds of years, there is no need to be “Enemy of State number 1.” A Muslim benefits the community by following its laws (As long as following those laws wouldn’t lead him to do something sinful) and he works to make people’s lives better.

If you have non-Muslim friends who know you as the toughest meanest guy that there ever was, then why would they be attracted to Islam? You as a Muslim in the West represent Islam in the non-Muslims eyes, so behave like a Muslim is supposed to. Countless of people have embraced Islam because they saw the real Muslim character, not because they saw some rude rebel who think that he was cool. Islam spread to countries like Indonesia and Somalia just because the Muslim traders used correct Islamic manners, they didn’t lie, cheat nor steal, they always spoke the truth.

On the Day of Judgement you will be responsible if you did tell your friends about Islam and showed them what Islam really is, then again if you do, and your friends would come to the Straight Path with your help, every time they do a good deed, you will get reward for it, just think about it for a second.

Would it not be better for you to be a winner in this life and the hereafter, rather than a loser in this life and the next?

You will only be a winner in this life and the next if you do what Allah has commanded you and behave like a Muslim, but you will remain a loser in this life and the next if you disobey Allah with your acts and your manners.

The persons we should imitate is the Prophet of Allah sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam and his companions the sahabah radiallahu anhum, no one else.

“… Jabir ibn ‘Abd Allah reported that the Prophet of Allah,upon him be peace said, “Every good deed is sadaqah.”[1]

“.. Hudhayfah said, “All of those people who became habitual cursers came to deserve Allah’s curse”[2]

“… ‘Abd Allah reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said “A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or coarse”[3]

Are you ready to change your ways?

-Fredrik “Fady”Lundström


[1] Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari Hadith 224

[2] Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari Hadith 319

[3]Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari Hadith 313


nz said...

dear nisa,

hi.. monink. wut cha doin'? hehe.

this entry is simple but nice.
gud one!

Ain Mardhiah said...

betul2.. ramai sangat yang suka ikut cara barat.. Kadang-kadang bila orang non muslim sendiri tanya kita kenapa macam tu, kita plak yang segan nak menjawab.. huhu