ni housemate nisa yang buatkan..nisa tolong skit2 aje..nyummyy...senang je nk wt rupenye...sgt sesuai utk dibuat for tea time..
“Arwah Aisyah meninggal dunia ketika masih di dalam kandungan”, luah emak pada petang itu. Pengcahayaan kurang. Namun, jelas kelihatan air mata mengalir perlahan di pipinya.
Saya hanya berdiam diri, kekok untuk memberikan reaksi. Arwah Aisyah merupakan adik selepas saya. Adik yang tidak saya ingat wajahnya.
“Kamu sendiri hampir-hampir tidak dilahirkan…”, sambung emak.
Saya tersentak. Apakah benar apa yang saya dengar? Sememangnya tidak silap. Saya hampir tidak dilahirkan atas sebab-sebab tertentu.
“Itulah, kesukaran ketika mengandung dan melahirkan…”, luahan hati seorang emak.
Bukan hanya sakit yang ditanggung. Mainan emosi turut perlu ditangani. Masakan tidak pedih, hati seorang isteri, andai suami tidak bijak menghargai. Lebih sedih apabila anak-anak lupa diri. Lupa pada siapa yang mengandungkan dan melahirkan mereka. Lupa kepada emak yang mendidik dan menjaga.
Perbualan di atas kekal dalam memori saya. Memberikan inpisari bahawa saya terpilih untuk dilahirkan ke dunia oleh takdir Allah swt adalah tidak sia-sia.
Berbahagialah dirimu, adikku Aisyah di syurga, memberikan inspirasi buat kakak yang terpilih untuk hidup berusaha sehabis baik agar bertemu dengan mu di sana kelak.
Inilah kisah utama di sebalik kata-kata Inspirasi Hidup yang saya abadikan disebelah kanan blog ini. “Aku tidak dijadikan sia-sia”.
Berdepan Maut
Peristiwa kedua pula ialah ketika perjalanan pulang bersama ayah melalui lebuh raya. Ketika itu hujan turun maha lebat. Saya yang tidur semasa perjalanan akibat keletihan, terjaga.
“Lebatnya hujan”, tegur saya buat ayah disebelah. Mamai sekali.
Selepas beberapa ketika, kereta berpusing. Inilah akibat air bertakung menyebabkan tayar tidak dapat mencengkam dengan baik. Saya sempat memaut tangan ayah disebelah. Ternyata ketenangan ayah, sedikitpun dia tidak melatah. Saya yang disebelah sempat bertakbir. Cemas. Kepala terhantuk beberapa kali ke tingkap pintu. Pusingan 360 darjah sebanyak tiga kali cukup membuatkan saya tergamam dan dada berdegup kencang.
Hujan masih lebat di luar. Ketika itu hati terdetik, mujurlah tiada kereta lain yang mengikut dibelakang. Mujurlah kereta berpusing dan tersadai di tepi jalan. Mujur? Apakah ini hanya satu kebetulan? Allah izinkan untuk terus hidup. Justeru, hidup ini pasti bukan untuk disia-siakan!
Inspirasi Tersendiri
Inilah kisah disebalik kata-kata yang menjadi inspirasi hidup saya.
Anda pula bagaimana? Kisah kita berbeza. Namun matlamatnya sama. Percayalah bahawa setiap daripada kita tidak dijadikan sia-sia. Carilah kisah disebaliknya. Kisah tersendiri!
Rasulullah menerima inspirasi terus daripada Allah swt. Kehidupan yang penuh mencabar, namun tetap sabar. MasyaAllah.
Walaupun kita tidak menerima wahyu seperti Rasulullah, jangan kita lupa bahawa qalam Allah itu sentiasa ada sebagai panduan buat kita. Kadangkala, Allah berbicara dengan hambaNya. Bicara tentang ujian dan kehidupan. Samada kita tidak mendengar dan melihat, ataupun mata hati yang buta.
“Tidak Aku jadikan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mengabdikan diri kepada-Ku“. Surah Az-Zariyat: 56.
“Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para malaikat:’Sesungguhnya aku hendak menjadikan seseorang Di muka bumi.’Mereka berkata: ‘Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi itu, orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan menyucikan Engkau?’ tuhan berfirman: sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui.’” Surah Al-Baqarah:30
Perkara yang sudah dan akan kita lalui. Apakah diri kita ditakdirkan semuanya sekadar sia-sia?
A woman came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find her 5-year old son waiting for her at the door.
SON: 'Mummy, may I ask you a question?'
MUM: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the woman.
SON: 'Mummy, how much do you make an hour?'
MUM: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the woman said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
MUM: 'If you must know, I make R 50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Mummy, may I please borrow R25?'
The mother was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door..
The woman sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the woman had calmed down , and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that R25.00 and she really didn't ask for money very often.The woman went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
'Are you asleep, son?' She asked.
'No Mummy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.
'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the woman. 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the R25 you asked for.'
The little boy sat straight up, smiling. 'Oh, thank you Mummy!' he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The woman saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his mother.
'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the mother grumbled.
'Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Mummy, I have R50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.'
The mother was crushed. She put his arms around her little son, and she begged for his forgiveness.
It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that R50 worth of your time with someone you love.
If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours. But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.
p/s : ......................
We celebrate Eid-ul-Adha and the Hajj,
In which the rewards are much.
Eid-ul-Adha is a reminder of Ibrahim’s (PBUH) sacrifice,
Which shows us in how many ways Allah is nice.
We run between the mountains of Safa and Marwa,
Since it was done by Bibi Hajira.
Hajj is about equality,
Forget your own individuality.
Doing the rituals in a few days,
For cleaning your slate, this is one of the ways.
The reason for this Eid leads back to Ibrahim’s (PBUH) story,
But we must remember that only Allah deserves all glory.
p/s : i know im not really good in writing poem..and this was taken from eidul adha link .A nice and short one..and more suprising it was written by 8 years old an 8 years old boy knows the meaningful of eiduladha and hajj,how about us??
Ramai dari kita yang telah maklum kelebihan 10 Malam-malam Terakhir Ramadhan. Tetapi adakah ramai dikalangan umat kita yang maklum kelebihan 10 Hari-hari Pertama dalam bulan Zulhijjah? Imam al Bukhari Rahimahullah meriwayatkan daripada Ibnu ‘Abbas r.a bahawa Nabi s.a.w bersabda, Tiada suatu hari pun, amalan kebaikan padanya mempunyai kelebihan melainkan pada hari-hari ini – iaitu 10 hari Zulhijjah. Para sahabat baginda bertanya, ‘Tidak juga Jihad pada jalan Allah (mengatasi kelebihan Hari-hari tersebut)? Ujar Baginda, Tidak juga Jihad di jalan Allah kecuali seorang yang keluar dengan jiwa raga dan hartanya dan tidak membawa pulang apa-apa pun (kerana habis disumbangkan untuk memenangkan agama Allah).
Imam Ahmad r.a. dari Ibnu Umar r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, “Tiada suatu haripun, amalan kebaikan padanya mempunyai kelebihan melainkan pada hari-hari 10 Zulhijjah ini, oleh kerana itu perbanyakkanlah padanya tahlil (La Ilaha Illa Allah), takbir (Allah Akbar) dan tahmid (Alhamdu Lillah).
Ibnu Hibban di dam kitab Sahihnya meriwayatkan dari Jabir r.a. bahawa baginda s.a.w bersabda, “Seutama-utama hari adalah hari Arafah”.
Amalan yang dianjurkan padanya
1. Menunaikan ibadah haji dan umrah yang merupakan sebaik-baik amalan. Banyak hadis menyatakan kelebihan ibadah ini di antaranya : Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: “Satu umrah ke umrah yang lain menghapuskan (dosa) yang dilakukan di antara keduanya dan haji yang baik (diterima) tiada baginya balasan melainkan syurga”.
2. Berpuasa pada hari-hari tersebut atau sekadar kemampuannya – terutamanya pada hari Arafah. Tidak dinafikan bahawa puasa adalah di antara amalan yang terbaik dan ia adalah pilihan Allah seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam sebuah hadis qudsi, “Puasa itu adalah bagiKu dan Akulah yang membalasinya, dia meninggalkan keinginan nafsunya, makanan dan minumannya semata-mata keranaKu”.
Imam Muslim meriwayatkan dari Abi Qatadah r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, Puasa pada hari Arafah, saya mengharap Allah akan menghapuskan (dosa) setahun yang lalu dan setahun yang mendatang.
3. Takbir (Allahu Akbar) dan berzikir padanya, firman Allah s.w.t yang bermaksud, (Dan supaya mereka menyebut nama Allah pada beberapa hari yang termaklum), hari-hari tersebut dijelaskan sebagai 10 hari di bulan Zulhijjah. Sebab itulah para ulama menyarankan supaya diperbanyakkan berzikir pada hari-hari tersebut sebagaimana mafhum hadis Ibnu Umar r.a. yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad, di antaranya, “Oleh kerana itu perbanyakkanlah padanya tahlil (La Ilaha Illa Allah), takbir (Allah Akbar) dan tahmid (Alhamdulillah)”.
4. Bertaubat dan meninggalkan segala maksiat dan dosa, semoga dengan amalan baik dapat mencapai keampunan dan rahmat Allah. Ini kerana maksiat adalah punca kepada jauh dan terhindarnya seorang hamba dari rahmat Allah manakala ketaatan pula adalah punca dekat dan kasihnya Allah kepadanya.
5. Memperbanyakkan amalan soleh terutama amalan sunat tambahan seperti solat sunat, berjihad, membaca al-Quran, menyeru kepada kebaikan, mencegah kemungkaran dan seumpamanya kerana semuanya akan digandakan pada hari-hari tersebut.
Amalan yang dikerjakan ketika itu walaupun kecil tetapi ia lebih disukai oleh Allah dibandingkan pada hari-hari lain. Begitu juga amalan yang besar seperti berjihad di jalan Allah yang dikategorikan di antara amalan yang terbaik, tidaklah mendapat kehebatan pahala pada hari-hari itu melainkan apabila kuda (kenderaan) yang ditungganginya terbunuh (binasa) dan darahnya keluar (dia cedera atau mati syahid).
6. Disyariatkan bertakbir pada beberapa hari yang mulia itu pada waktu siang atau malam terutama selepas menunaikan fardu solat lima waktu yang dikerjakan secara berjemaah.
Bagi mereka yang tidak menunaikan ibadah haji, takbir bermula dari waktu subuh hari Arafah (9 Zulhijjah) dan bagi yang menunaikannya takbir bermula pada waktu Zuhur hari raya haji (10 Zulhijjah), semuanya berakhir sehingga waktu Asar pada hari ke-13 Zulhijjah.
7. Disyariatkan amalan korban (menyembelih haiwan ternakan) pada hari raya haji dan hari-hari Tasyriq (11, 12 dan 13 Zulhijjah). Ia merupakan sunah Nabi Ibrahim a.s. setelah Allah s.w.t mengujinya dengan perintah menyembelih anaknya Ismail tetapi ditebus ujian itu dengan digantikan seekor haiwan untuk disembelih.
8. Imam Muslim meriwayatkan dari Ummu Salamah r.a bahawa Nabi s.a.w bersabda, Apabila kamu telah melihat anak bulan Zulhijjah dan ada di kalangan kamu yang ingin berkorban (sembelih haiwan ternakan), hendaklah dia menahan dirinya dari (memotong) rambut dan kukunya, dan di dalam riwayat lain : “Maka janganlah dia memotong rambut dan kukunya sehinggalah dia berkorban.
Perintah (sunat) ini berkemungkinan ada persamaan dengan hukum bagi mereka yang membawa haiwan ternakan (ketika mengerjakan haji) dari kampung mereka yang telah dijelaskan oleh Allah, maksudnya, (Dan janganlah kamu mencukur rambut kamu sehinggalah haiwan ternakan (yang dibawa untuk dihadiahkan dagingnya kepada penduduk Mekah) itu sampai ke tempatnya).
Larangan (memotong rambut dan kuku) ini pada zahirnya adalah khusus kepada pemunya haiwan korban tersebut sahaja dan tidak termasuk isteri dan anak-anaknya melainkan mereka juga mempunyai haiwan seumpamanya, dan tidak mengapa jika yang berkenaan membasuh dan menggosok kepalanya kemudian terjatuh beberapa helai rambutnya.
9. Setiap muslim hendaklah berusaha menunaikan solat hari raya secara berjemaah, mendengar khutbah oleh imam selepas solat tersebut supaya mendapat pengajaran daripadanya.
Sepatutnyalah kita mengetahui hikmat di sebalik perayaan ini. Ia merupakan hari menyatakan kesyukuran dengan melakukan kebaikan. Janganlah pula dilakukan padanya perkara yang mendatangkan kemurkaan Allah dengan mengerjakan maksiat, kesombongan, pertengkaran dan sebagainya yang boleh menjadi sebab kepada terhapusnya amalan kebaikan yang dikerjakannya sebelum itu.
10. Penuhilah hari-hari berkenaan dengan ketaatan kepada Allah, berzikir, bersyukur, menunaikan perintah-Nya, menjauhi larangan-Nya, mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya semoga mendapat rahmat dan keampunan-Nya.
The Muslim Youth
Who should you imitate as a Muslim?
As-Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh
Last week when I attended Salatu Jummah in the Masjid in Itäkeskus, Helsinki and I saw loads of young Muslims outside the Masjid, because there was no room inside, but the thing that I noticed was that most of them had hip-hop clothes on and were acting all “gangsta” outside the masjid. This isn’t the first time I see this but it seems like Muslim youth are drawn to the hip-hop culture and are jumping between being a Muslim and a “Gangsta”, I guess dressing as a “gangsta” isn’t un-Islamic but the behavior and lifestyle that comes with it is very un-Islamic, cursing, racial slurs etc. Not to forget the drugs, alcohol and sex that are a part of that culture. Not to forget the music, I mean most of us should know that music is haraam by now, but I could imagine that there is a difference in if you are listening to 50 Cents newest album or Sami Yusufs, one of those albums has a guiding message, a guidance to the true way of life, then again the other is very much the opposite, singing about how someone has women and how they treat them like they are just objects for their pleasure etc.
Now why are young Muslims drawn to these African American “gangsta” musicians and their lifestyle?
I seriously do not know, this is a lifestyle that contradicts almost everything within Islam.
A Muslim is a kind person, filled with mercy and happiness, a Muslim does not curse or slander, a Muslim does not take intoxicants , a Muslim is a benefit to society not a menace to society.
The Muslim youth has to lift their head out of the gutter and realize that this Hip Hop culture is nothing but a new trick and trap of Sheytan to mislead us from the Straight Path, and as always the Sheytan is doing a very good job misleading them.
Muslims need to understand that we have a rich history and culture, filled with beauty. We are not an enslaved religious minority who has been oppressed for hundreds of years, there is no need to be “Enemy of State number 1.” A Muslim benefits the community by following its laws (As long as following those laws wouldn’t lead him to do something sinful) and he works to make people’s lives better.
If you have non-Muslim friends who know you as the toughest meanest guy that there ever was, then why would they be attracted to Islam? You as a Muslim in the West represent Islam in the non-Muslims eyes, so behave like a Muslim is supposed to. Countless of people have embraced Islam because they saw the real Muslim character, not because they saw some rude rebel who think that he was cool. Islam spread to countries like Indonesia and Somalia just because the Muslim traders used correct Islamic manners, they didn’t lie, cheat nor steal, they always spoke the truth.
On the Day of Judgement you will be responsible if you did tell your friends about Islam and showed them what Islam really is, then again if you do, and your friends would come to the Straight Path with your help, every time they do a good deed, you will get reward for it, just think about it for a second.
Would it not be better for you to be a winner in this life and the hereafter, rather than a loser in this life and the next?
You will only be a winner in this life and the next if you do what Allah has commanded you and behave like a Muslim, but you will remain a loser in this life and the next if you disobey Allah with your acts and your manners.
The persons we should imitate is the Prophet of Allah sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam and his companions the sahabah radiallahu anhum, no one else.
“… Jabir ibn ‘Abd Allah reported that the Prophet of Allah,upon him be peace said, “Every good deed is sadaqah.”[1]
“.. Hudhayfah said, “All of those people who became habitual cursers came to deserve Allah’s curse”[2]
“… ‘Abd Allah reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said “A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or coarse”[3]
Are you ready to change your ways?
-Fredrik “Fady”Lundström
[1] Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari Hadith 224
[2] Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari Hadith 319
[3]Al-Adab al-Mufrad al-Bukhari Hadith 313
Pork, the new worst sin
As-Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh
(Firstly I want to say that I might be a bit sarcastic in this article so do not think that I mean every thing I write in the article, you can tell the difference.)
Pork seems to be the new worst sin in Islam, at least this is the case for Muslims living in the West.
Now what are the “normal” things for a young Muslim now days?
Well usually it’s just the boys, because apparently boys are allowed to do whatever they want because they are boys and apparently they won’t be accountable for their sins on the Day of Judgment, the girls again have to stay nice and pure and won’t leave the house, so let’s examine what male Muslim youth are allowed to do.
The first is to neglect all the five daily prayers because I mean, who prays anyway? That’s something that you can do when your 50 years old with 10 children and your party days are long gone.
The second thing is drinking alcohol, this is also something that everyone is doing so why not? I mean it is after all more important to look cool in the eyes of the Kuffar than to please Allah.
The third is smoking marijuana, this is for those who don’t want to drink alcohol, cause I mean there is no way that marijuana is a drug right or equally bad as alcohol?
The Forth thing that they can do is commit Zina, I mean, everyone is doing it and isn’t it a bit old fashioned to save yourself for marriage?
And finally the fifth is gambling, cause they put small amounts in it so it’s okay, and a lot of the money the money they loose go to charity.
But what is this one sin that Muslims cannot defy? One sin that is so great that breaking that sin would be totally unforgivable?
Well the consuming of pork meat, apparently eating pork will be such a terrible sin that you can do whatever you want as long as you do not eat pig, eating pig will take you straight out of the fold of Islam and you will burn in Hell
Now let’s examine the different sins:
“And do not go near fornication. It is an indecent act, an evil way”[1]
The punishment for Zina was revealed gradually in the Qur’an in three steps first in Surah 4:15 then in Surah 4:16 and finally Allah says in the Qur’an.
“ A woman and a man who commit fornication: flog both of them with one hundred lashes and do not let compassion for either of them possess you where Allah’s din is concerned, if you have iman in Allah and the Last Day. A number of muminun should witness their punishment [2]
Alcohol& Cannabis (Both go under the word Khamr (intoxicant))
Khamr was also forbidden gradually in the Qur’an first in Surah 2:219 then in Surah 4:42 and finally
“You who have iman! wine and gambling, stone altars and divining arrows are filth from the handiwork of Shaytan. Avoid them completely so that hopefully you will be successful. Shaytan wants to stir up enmity and hatred between you by means of wine and gambling, and to debar you from remembrance of Allah and from salat. Will you not then give them up?[3]
This Ayat clearly dictates the prohibition of Gambling.
It is also reported in At-Tirmindi that the Prophet sallallahu aleyhi wa sallam said:
“ That of wich a great deal causes intoxication then a little of it is haram.”[4]
“Jurists of the four schools agree that a drunkard must be punished by flogging. Maliki, Hanafi and Hanbali jurists say that the hadd punishment for drinking wine is eighty lashes, but Imam ash-Shafi said that the punishment for drinking wine is only forty lashes.”[5]
Neglecting the five daily prayers:
Salat is the second pillar in Islam and neglecting this obligation is a great and very dangerous sin indeed.
“Praise be to Allaah.
The scholars have differed concerning the Muslim who deliberately neglects salaah without denying that it is obligatory. Some of them say that he is definitely a kaafir who has gone beyond the pale of Islam. He is considered to be a murtadd (apostate) who is to be given three days to repent – if he does not, he is to be executed for his apostasy. The funeral prayer will not be recited over him, and he will not be buried in the Muslim graveyard. The greeting of salaam is not to be given to him, in life or in death, and his greeting is not to be returned; prayers for forgiveness and mercy for him cannot be offered; he cannot inherit, neither can his wealth be inherited, instead it is to be given to the Muslim treasury (bayt al-maal). This ruling applies whether the number of people who are neglecting their prayers are many or a few.
This opinion is the soundest and most correct, because of the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “The difference between us and them is salaah. Whoever neglects it is a kaafir.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad and the authors of Sunan with a saheeh isnaad); and: “(Nothing stands) between a man and kufr and shirk, except prayer: (whoever neglects it becomes a kaafir and a mushrik).” (Reported by Imaam Muslim in his Saheeh, with other similar ahaadeeth).”[6]
And then we have eating of pig.
No one can deny that Allah has made pig meat forbidden to us, but even if we were starving we would be allowed to eat pig meat, we are never allowed to drink alcohol or take drugs, commit zina or neglect the 5 daily prayers.
If you commit all these sins and you do not pray, but when you are offered pig, you say no? Do you think that this will just save you from the fire? This sin that does not even have a hadd punishment?
One brother even told me that he saw some men who belonged to a Muslim family and they were Pimps, meaning they “owned” prostitutes and when they were offered pig meat they said: “No, we do not eat pig”
Seriously, eating pig meat is nothing compared to these sins.
No, we should not eat pig, nor should we commit any of these other sins. But do not think that the only sin you have to stay away from is eating pig meat.
[1] Qur’an 17:32
[2] Qur’an 24:2
[3] Qur’an 5:90-91
[4] At-Tirmindhi
[5] Shariah: Islamic Law, Abd ar-Rahman I.Doi Page.399
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