rase mls nk type wt gak..sbb memory saya cpt skit if tulis ni..kalo lupe2 kenangan2..leh recall blk kali bace smuler..;p..on 26th housemate bwk pg uni department by bike pulak..which is ok..nti taula jaln nk pg uni by bike..but we separated kt pizza de miracoli..which is where the pisa tower i walked alone from there..n then mase jln2 tuh..dgr mcm suara org ckp satu,dua,tiga..tgh amek tgk2..aisk..muke mcm org melayu tp amek gmbr dgn org putih..ehh..bkn i walked straight to the department..sesat jugakla awl2 tuh..but i managed to find it..alhamdullilah again dpt smpai dgn jayanya..;p..then smpai peter n raj werent there...geram jugakla..jnji2 suh smpai sana..but then xperla..i met christian..a deutshce of my classmate also..and can speak spanish too..lps tuh jumpe this phd student..from tunisia..tension jugakla..awl2 knal trus tnye dh khwn..n sibuk promote die single..saya pn bntaila ckp dh engaged..die tnye mne cincin..hehe..kt umah saya jwb...n then tunggu2 punye tunggu..diorg smpai..dh jnji nk bring me jln near pisa tower..but then diorg nk access internet plak kt uni..geramla i decided to walk back alone.n jln sorg2 kt pisa tower..and alhamdullillah..i've some malaysian ppl yg bejln2 di pisa tower jugak..ade couple that ive met dr uk..student i guess..near the shop lps tuh jln2 lg amek gmbr sorg2 kt pisa tower..sape lg nk amek kn..then jln2 lg..ade org tgur in malay.."hye..sesat ke?"..mser tuh quite suprised gak...rupe2nye the same person ive met before nk pg uni td..ehheh..die n kwn die..and other uk friends..they work as chefs in ireland..which is very cool..jd chef plak..i love to brkenalan dgn chef2 nih..dpt juga tnye any recipe nk wt..hehe..kteorg amek gmbr..smpt jugak.hehe.change2 our email address..eheh.yeah maybe..i will visit them in ireland if ade rezeki..insyAllah..then blkla ke rumah..i was smiling all the way blk umah.msti org igt napela org ni syum je.eheh...tuhla..aper2 pn im still proud being malaysian..;)
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