salam.. on 28th nk pg beach dgn kwn2..awl2 rse mcm xnk juga..and the beach sgtt lg cntikla pntai proud to be malaysian..;)..on that day we went to the bus station naik bus no.11 (hehe..mksudnye jln kaki la..)..before pg sana..i went to their hostel..which is utk laki pmpuan hanya leh masuk dlm stgh jam cmtuh..xleh stay..lawak x..uhuhu..kalo xleh msuk.wtje la forbidden tuhla..kalo kt msia tuh..x bg nk msuk jugak..ini die x bg juga tp..xde sape2 pn nk msuk..xdela nk sneaking2..uhhuhuh..okla..ive met peter..wait for zigor (spanish guy) and assen (bulagarian)..lmbt gak diorg siap ni..ok.we walked to the train station..bought the ticket and so the journey to the beach had started..dlm pnuh dgn org germany..yg mcm brlagak skit..tgk kte ni mcm ape je..igt diorg bagus sgt..ceh..whatever..i dont care..mse tuh duk sblh zigor..he offered me his sweater..sbb sjuk diorg x sjuk pn..yerla dh biase kn..around stgh jam jugakla nk smpai ke beach..mse tuh dhla puasa..eehhe..nasib baik x trn mndi way..air sgttt sjuk.gler ke nk mndi..;p..i was quite having fun mse tuhla.x tau nk solat mane..yg geramnye plak..after they swam..kteorg pg restaurant ni..diorg pn mknla..n saya x smbil2 tunggu diorg nk frens helped asking the owner permission nk solat kt bilik pg2 toilet xde..airla plak..uhuhu..mse tuh cmne leh x trpk nk tayammum je..hhuuuh..mse kt beach td..patutnye leh je tuhla..x de kompas plak..wahh..tension sgt..but i learned my lesson after that..xnk dh travel dgn kwn2 non muslim..susah..after this tunggu kwn2 kt rome,germany n france madrid also nk dtg je..leh travel sama2..okla..enjoy some pics that i will post here...sgt cntik xleh compare msian beach..ehhehe..ape2 pn..subhanallah..segalanya ciptaan Allah..;)) proud to be a muslim too..;)..very proud..
rase mls nk type wt gak..sbb memory saya cpt skit if tulis ni..kalo lupe2 kenangan2..leh recall blk kali bace smuler..;p..on 26th housemate bwk pg uni department by bike pulak..which is ok..nti taula jaln nk pg uni by bike..but we separated kt pizza de miracoli..which is where the pisa tower i walked alone from there..n then mase jln2 tuh..dgr mcm suara org ckp satu,dua,tiga..tgh amek tgk2..aisk..muke mcm org melayu tp amek gmbr dgn org putih..ehh..bkn i walked straight to the department..sesat jugakla awl2 tuh..but i managed to find it..alhamdullilah again dpt smpai dgn jayanya..;p..then smpai peter n raj werent there...geram jugakla..jnji2 suh smpai sana..but then xperla..i met christian..a deutshce of my classmate also..and can speak spanish too..lps tuh jumpe this phd student..from tunisia..tension jugakla..awl2 knal trus tnye dh khwn..n sibuk promote die single..saya pn bntaila ckp dh engaged..die tnye mne cincin..hehe..kt umah saya jwb...n then tunggu2 punye tunggu..diorg smpai..dh jnji nk bring me jln near pisa tower..but then diorg nk access internet plak kt uni..geramla i decided to walk back alone.n jln sorg2 kt pisa tower..and alhamdullillah..i've some malaysian ppl yg bejln2 di pisa tower jugak..ade couple that ive met dr uk..student i guess..near the shop lps tuh jln2 lg amek gmbr sorg2 kt pisa tower..sape lg nk amek kn..then jln2 lg..ade org tgur in malay.."hye..sesat ke?"..mser tuh quite suprised gak...rupe2nye the same person ive met before nk pg uni td..ehheh..die n kwn die..and other uk friends..they work as chefs in ireland..which is very cool..jd chef plak..i love to brkenalan dgn chef2 nih..dpt juga tnye any recipe nk wt..hehe..kteorg amek gmbr..smpt jugak.hehe.change2 our email address..eheh.yeah maybe..i will visit them in ireland if ade rezeki..insyAllah..then blkla ke rumah..i was smiling all the way blk umah.msti org igt napela org ni syum je.eheh...tuhla..aper2 pn im still proud being malaysian..;)
salam, masuk hari ni..dh dekat sebulan saya kt sini..starting on 23rd sept smpai 26th Oct,Alhamdullilah life getting better and better each..alhamdullillah again,i have met some very nice people here(malaysian,bangladesh,pakistani and italian too),and also not soo nice even scary/weird people..fuhh..alhamdullillah i am still fine as it is..;), classes here sgt pack jugak..certain days start at 9.30 and smpai 7.30 pn ade..fuh..which is x prnh brlaku mse kt msia..plg lewat pn kul 6.30..but nasib baik ade some breaks after each classes..;) break..thats what they will do here..break je coffee.break je coffee..dlm sehari mau 6 kali minum kopi..kopi die pahit plak tuh..;0..abesla caffein pnuh dlm bdn..hehee.. well..on my first day in pisa..x wt ape2 sgt.yerla pnt lg..nk kms brg2 lg..but im so thankful..dpt bilik yg vey comfortable..a clean kitchen and toilet..will be perfect for a year here and next move to france..yeah!!,,x sbr2..;)..on 2nd day(25thoct), my housemate hesed bwk pg university department,sgtla baik nk tlg 'kera masuk kampung' ini..mmg x tau ape2..he showed me around the pisa..he even showed me the shortest route from our house to the uni department..Alhamdullilah...on that day i was supposed to go for a residence apartment registration dkt post office..smpai uni je..sara the secretary n his father took me to the post offce...kt sana br jumpe peter n raj and frascesca the department who helped us in the process..the first time jumpe diorg..yeah..quite nice guys..peter is serbian and raj is indian.,;)..on that day dhla puasa..xde kerusi plak kt post office..tunggu bukan main lame2..uhhu..2 hrs if im not mistaken..aish..then after that kteorg beskal la dpt pn..last2 skali pg carrefour(dkt sgt dgn my house)..huuh..mse tuh i was so exhausted.and skt prut..x thn sgt..sbb x sahur..n then lg pn still gatal2 nk puasa..buka jugala..quite menyesal after that..;(..and then i went home,peter n raj ikut jugak sbb nk access internet kt my house which is sooo fast..400mbps..;p..after that diorg blk temporary hostel yg diorg day on next blog..ciao.
already finished my first year in Pisa,Italy,Alhamdullilah will be finishing my 2nd year master(Aeronautical engineering) in Supaero(ISAE) Toulouse, doing my practical in Airbus,France.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya...inshaAllah..;)
am student,love to cook and it!